Tuesday 20 December 2011

Challenge 32

247. Write an imaginary dialogue between you and a roommate late at night when the lights are out and neither of you can sleep.

Roommate: (whisper) You sleeping?
Me: Mmh??
Rm: (louder whisper) Are you sleeping?
Me: Ugh, you just woke me up...damn it..
Rm: Oops, really? Sorry! Goodnight!
Me: Am just joking, dumbass.
Rm: Bit......ch
Me: You're welcome, bro.
Rm: What you doing?
Me: Dude, what do you think I will do this late at night on my bed??? What can I possibly do??
Rm: (Mischievously) Ooohhh~~ what can you possibly do?
Me: (Annoyed) What can i do?? Duh - talk to my pillow!!! Gosh, how dumb can you get?

A short awkward pause.

Rm: OOHHHHHHH!!!!! How could I not think of that!? I'm so dumb. And you are mentally ill, you are aware, right? I hope so, because if not then...
Me: Then what!? Huh!?? What can you say about my mental conditions!!?? I'm normal! Don't judge me! And you don't even have the rights to decide if I'm retarded or not!!!
Rm: Are you seriously ill??? You are!! I thought you were being like that till now - which has been four years now - just as a joke, just to be funny. But are you really insane?
Me: Can you please be quiet?? My pillow just fell asleep! You know how hard it is to put a pillow to sleep? You have to tell fairy tales about unicorns and dragons!! Oh my gosh, it was so hard to come up with one.
Rm: ...okay...you are creeping me out. Goodnight.
Me: Dude, I'm just joking! Did you fall for that??
Rm: Oh...man, I actually thought for a second that you are really mad!
Me: But still be quiet because my laptop is sleeping. I'm not even joking now.
Rm: ...your laptop is dead.
Me: No, it still has some charge left.
Rm: Ugh, I mean it doesn't have life!!!
Me: SHHHH!!! You don't have to shout it out so loud, you know!? It's sleeping!! Seriously. And of course it does! It comes to life when I press the power button but for now I commanded it to sleep.
Rm: But it's just an electronic device. It doesn't eat or move around or talk like humans.
Me: Of course it does. It eats... electricity. And it's too lazy that's why it doesn't move around. And it does talk. It sings beautiful songs to me everyday. And it can play several instruments at the same time too. It sometimes sings with two voices at the same time.
Rm: That's the music file...not your laptop singing by the way. Are you serious right now??
Me: Oh, can I ask you a question? I've been always wondering, if you shut down your laptop does it shut down permanently?
Rm: What the fuuu - !? No!! (Crying and laughing at the same time now) Are you stupid?? It just shuts down and you can turn it on again with the start button...
Me: Oh.
Rm: Wait...so you have never shut it down so far??
Me: No.
Rm: You mean never ever. You just put it to sleep that's it?? How long have you had your laptop for??
Me: Two years.
Rm: What the f...
Me: I'm joking about everything till now. Go to sleep now.
Rm: I know that. I was playing along. Goodnight.
Me: I know you were playing along you douche. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Mate. (Only English people will understand this rhyme.)

Similar situations do happen in Hostel towards the end of the semester when students are loaded with too much work and stress.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Challenge 31

56. Discuss how your travel experiences have affected you as a student and a citizen of the world.

I wish I had that many travel experiences to have thoughtfully chosen from but, unfortunately, I haven't. I came to India after finishing fourth grade. This first travel was to where I turned out to have settled. And the country of "mystery" ended up to be underdeveloped, stinky, filthy, and - no offense to anyone - just unacceptably hopeless. The hottest area I have ever lived in, the most beggars I have ever seen, the stupidest and cockiest people I have ever met, and the most bullshit (both figuratively and literally) I have ever faced were all achieved in this one crap-hole in an amazingly short time-span.

However, now, I love this place. And I'm not saying this to avoid trouble. It's an honest feeling right from the bottom of my heart. I actually love it. I feel much home observing cows completely ravage the already crazy traffic, boys and girls beg or sell cheap magazines in the middle of the road, bright yellow and green auto-rickshaws powerlessly cough out CNG gas, buses near wreckage painfully make their last sprint with black heads, arms, and legs dangling out, people drink tea, dogs, scooters, and fruit juice stands with pictures of Bollywood stars (if that's a way to attract customers) on the signboard.  

I went to Korea last winter and I was lost. Lost like a tourist in a country he has never been to before. It was a totally different country from when I last went there. It was so strange to me. I was actually happy to spot a few foreigners in the subways. I think, I hated being one of the crowd. I hated being so ignored. No one looked at me with the surprised eyes. No one teased me for being a chinky. No one even looked at me at all. It's funny, I know, but I hated it. Busy people, systemic traffic, high buildings, snow, extremely cold wind - all were strange and not very nice. I needed that chilled out spirit, the who-cares traffic, anywhere-littering, shit-smell, tea, no-more-than-two-story buildings, and many more.

Basically, this travel experience changed me to become a whole new person. And I realized, it's not all about the developed cities, tall glass buildings, smooth and wide roads, sleek cars. I, of course, learned my English and Hindi in India. This permanent travel to India affected my whole life. And as a citizen of the world, now you have one more Indian.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Challenge 30

173. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what animal would you select and why?

The day is over. This long but fun challenge is over. Well, I might be continuing but not for a while. And the seemingly endless school days are over as well. All the big and small assignments are over, and all the school events are over. Semester's over (besides exams), and half of my Grade 11 is over.
When it comes to an end, whether it's a day or a month or a year, it is always depressing yet exciting and satisfying. However right now, depression for some reason is taking over all my other emotions. I'm getting a bad feeling about everything that is going to happen from now on. Yeah - exams. But not only exams. My whole life. I'm keep getting this slight hint that I might actually die this winter break. Just in case I do, I would like to say thank you and I love you to God and my parents. ;)

Anyways, in a constant struggle to separate my feeble self from the depressing feeling, I chose the topic that seemed to be the most cheery. Which animal would I select to describe myself? And why? That is a very funny and happifying question. And I must say, a monkey. My girlfriend would say a frog - the frog prince that becomes a human as the princess (my girlfriend, lol) kisses it. That is cute but not my answer.
Monkeys always create two different images in my head. One is the real monkey, the realistic and squeaky, dangerous, ugly, hairy, fast, sly, and deadly monkeys that attack us and throw all the garbage out from the trash can in search for food, and the other "monkey" that I sometimes compare myself to and make cartoon characters out of. You really won't get what I mean unless you are me. And I can't really explain this in words. Even I won't understand what I'm trying to say just by reading this sentence.
Anyways, the reason I choose a monkey as the animal to describe myself, is firstly because I think monkeys are the most like humans. Secondly, I'm hyper and loud. I'm also very dangerous when I'm not in a good mood, and if anyone messes around with me, I'm always ready to fight. I dance, draw everywhere, and beatbox - all those crazy stuff which I think are very monkeyish and I also am an Asian (?). Asians in animal are usually monkeys, isn't that right??? lol I don't know. I don't know where this is going so I guess I'll stop now. I mean I really wanted to just say my first paragraph, but I have to choose a topic and I couldn't find one that could be the question for my first paragraph, so I wrote about this and miserably failed. :) 

Challenge 29

174. If money and family obligations left you entirely free,  how and where would you spend the summer before college?

I would go to Nepal to see my girlfriend for the last time (probably), and then travel around the world all by myself. I'll think about my life and plan everything out for the future during this trip, and will experience as many things as possible. I'll meet different types of people, come across different types of cultures, taste different foods, wear different clothes, and experience the best and worst environments in all different parts of the world. Also, I'll make sure to note down the country I'd like to live in later. I'll be nervous, feel alone, laugh, fall into depression, get hyper, fight, forgive, tolerate, give up, practice, try, challenge myself, make mistakes, learn, question, doubt, understand, and most of all, become a "human being." I will adventure as much as I can since life is only once, and never let an opportunity go because of my selfish stupid reasons like fear or laziness. I'll make my life to the fullest. Of course the trip won't be as pleasant as I'm expecting right now and it sounds just by this writing. There are going to be countless problems and conflicts that will grind my gears. I might end up groaning and moaning like a little child, sweating in the middle of nowhere with no people that understand my language and all my valuables stolen. Or, I might be lying on the bed in a five-star hotel room after having an awesome dinner with celebrities. Or, I might just have an ordinary tour like not the ones in movies. But one thing for sure is, when I return I'll be loaded with experience and knowledge. And I'll be much more mature than right now. Then I will be perfectly ready for college and ready to work hard. I'll be ready to interact with all kinds of people. I'll be able to adapt to the food or environment much faster and easier than other foreigners of that country wherever my college is.
Basically, I would love to have a time out by myself, with all kinds of new concepts and chances to learn and experience, so that I become a much better person than right now. So that I'll be more easily able to achieve my secretive and vast dream.

Challenge 28

177. "Human rights" is a term frequently used but seldom defined. What rights should belong to every human being? Discuss.

Every human being has morals and values. From these, whatever is right should be included to be allowed as human rights, and whatever is bad shouldn't be. We humans are the smartest specie on Earth, and we have brains and hearts, so we should be able to discern what is right and what is not. And according to that, also find out what can be included in our rights and what can't be.
Rights such as these should belong to every human:
Rights to speak up (even though you are poor and powerless), rights to be listened to, rights to be given chances to, rights to use public services, rights to be treated equal as everyone else, rights to take a step, rights to think the way he/she wants to, rights to have any religion of choice, rights to be free, rights to love, rights to vote, rights to do whatever he/she wants unless it is one of the prohibited things.
Just don't kill, steal, lie, cheat, use violence, use bad language, hate,  insult God, smoke, drink, and other bad things you can think of.

A dirty, starving, and diseased African boy has his full rights to open the door of a taxi, and sit his bony, dusty butt on the seat. If the taxi driver doesn't like this, the boy has the rights to be cleaned, treated, fed, and dressed. No one should discriminate or hate this boy. He is a human too, but who was born in a sh*thole with nothing at all. He is just living a much lower life, because selfish bastards like you and me are enjoying our asses off not giving a damn about these people. Because we don't want to lose our freaking comfort and good food. We are just ignoring them and not willing to give up any of our abundant fortune - to be honest, not even a penny. We want it all by ourselves. And you can't say that it is our hard work that earned the money and their fault for not being able to feed themselves. You can't say you earned your living all by your sweat and you deserve it. Even if you did, you must share with them if you have more than enough. Stop going around and buying unnecessary stuff because you have the money. Spend it on something way more valuable (a priceless human life maybe) rather than something that you simply think is valuable and important. And the reason you can't say you deserve all the money and you earned it all by your work, is because humans were all equal in the beginning. When we were hunter gatherers and all that, were there any Michael Jackson or Steve Jobs? Were there any "poverty?" No. Not a chance. Then what caused this gap between the poor and the rich among today's people? People's selfishness, evilness, corruption, and sins. Our bad traits. Eventually, we have created a society like this where some people even worship other humans as if they are God and treat another set of humans worse than a cockroach. This is what we have come to. We need that damn rights for every human being to be treated equally with full freedom.

Challenge 27

178. What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? Explain.

I would like to pass high school with grades good enough to get me to a decent college. Then I'd go to whatever college that accepts me, and join a dance club there. Or if there isn't one and if people are interested, I'll just make one myself. Then I will lead the club, and practice so hard every single day. Practice until I become the best. I'll pick around five friends to practice with me. We will study hard, but dance hard as well. I'll make sure I'm good and they are as good. Then, when we are good enough, I'll make our own small dance crew. We will hang around together and have so much fun. We will make our own Youtube channel and videos, teach others, and maybe even perform at special events. Then when we are professional enough, we will participate in the most popular dance competition, Randy Jackson's America's Best Dance Crew. We'll have to be really good - I mean the best. And hopefully we will win, and become really popular. We will then start earning money by performing, opening our own website, and selling our stuff to our fans. Also, people will cast us from many places to perform with them or shoot music videos, etc. We will be so awesome. And I'm going to love being with my best friends and enjoying with them while doing what I like. It'll be so beautiful. That would be a perfect life for me. And when we are as famous as Jabbawockeez or Quest Crew, my favorite crews that inspired me so much and to whose lives my answer to this question is based on, I'll make a proper Youtube channel and become the most famous Youtube star like NigaHiga. Then, when that is accomplished, I'll aim for higher goals and keep going until I reach the top of the world. I'll earn ass much money as I can and save up until I don't need to work anymore and still can survive till death with the money I already have. Until I can't finish my money to my funerals even if I spent as much as possible. Then, I'll return to India. I'll quit everything and disappear all of a sudden. I'll come back here, where I live right now, and help the poor. I'll educate the uneducated, treat the sick, help those in need, and feed the starving. I'll try my best to make it just for the unprivileged. I'll make sure they also get a chance and happiness that the rich stole from them. I won't let rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It will be impossible to make it equal among all, but I'll try my best to get the rich poorer and the poor richer. After succeeding in India, I'll then move on to other countries like Nepal, Bhutan, etc. Hmmm...I'll probably die by then. Sorry, went too far.

*This is an unrealistic dream and I'm aware. But the question asks what do I "hope" to accomplish.

Challenge 26

179. Should college students be required to take physical education courses? Why or why not?

Health is before studies, right? And physical education (if conducted properly) helps stay fit, right? Therefore college students should be required to take PE courses. In places like college, health and stamina are very fatal. If you don't have these, you won't be able to wake up early, go to school, work hard, do part-time jobs, sleep late, and still survive. You need health and stamina to study. And they can be achieved from exercising.
Health is like the basic of the basic, for a human being. We should stay fit, and therefore might as well be forced to get some exercise at least from PE. People who love sports will voluntarily do more anyways, but for people who are in unfit shapes or are not so close with being physically active will choose not to exercise unless have no choice but to. Who chooses to do something they don't like? If school wasn't mandatory, who will come to school? We are all forced to go to school everyday because education is an extremely important and necessary thing. In the same way, we should value our physical education as well. I mean since it's about health, we should consider it even more important.
After all, it is not that bad. I mean, for me it was (I don't have it anymore) the best class I have ever had in my all-time high school history. I loved PE classes. They are interesting, exciting, and active! You don't just sit there dull, staring blankly at your teacher and waiting for the boring lecture to end. You move around, try it with your own hands and legs (Yes, you do still have them even though you don't need it anymore in today's sit-still-and-study world), feel the energy; basically get some physical education! It is so much more fun than reading a book. Personally, I hate being still and uncreative. I can't sit without moving more than an hour. It hurts my butt, neck,and back. And as a teenager, I am hyper. I need to spend all that calories from candy bars!!!
College life is the most important (supposedly) time of a person's life. So we should have PE to keep fit, enjoy, stay apart from sitting in front of a laptop the whole time and getting body-aches and being all tired, grumpy, and energiless. Also, this is probably when your body is developed fully and the most strong. So use it!

Challenge 25

65. What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the University community? (Florida State)

I think I'm one of the X-men. I have this perfect ability hardly anyone has.
I make the atmosphere absolutely awkward.
You see what I mean? I can make everything so damn awkward. This is one very useful characteristic that people might not be aware of. It might not seem so obvious, but it can torture people, it can create great memories, become topics of a conversation, and can even transform into a funny video or joke. Have ever heard of the most popular joke starting with "That awkward moment when...?"
To be more specific with awkwardness's usefulness:
I can make the atmosphere awkward by randomly arguing with someone, acting cocky until someone gets mad, saying something really lame, etc. Then the person in the middle will feel awkward and don't know what to do. I can make this happen to a person I don't like and give him/her a bad time.
However, in most cases it is used as an advantage. That is even better because the University community would probably want a positive contribution from this awesome quality.
It provides memories.
If something went really awkward, you would probably remember the incident and have memories of it. But it won't be a bad memory because it's neither embarrassing or heart-breaking. It will just be a funny memory in the end. And funny memories are extremely useful when you are with the girl you like and you don't have anything to say. You can talk about the awkward moments! And that prevents another awkward moment that was about to spoil your relationship. You could prevent a more critical awkward moment with a less important one! How awesome is that?
And finally for the video/joke part, if you haven't been through 9gag or NigaHiga's video, you probably can't disagree with me. And you are missing out A LOT in life. For example, from NigaHiga's video on awkward moments, he says something like "That awkward moment when you say bye to someone and realize you go the same direction," and shows a video of it where he is about to walk alongside someone he just said bye to, and stops awkwardly and acts like he is checking something on the phone. It is actually very funny if you watch it.
So, I can contribute to the University community so usefully by being awkward!!!