Friday 16 March 2012

Marriage and Single Life

I, the most tolerable of all beings that stand on two feet - including some weird dogs that do so as well - hath not known the foolishest of the foolishest humans that could ever possibly turn this indeed a very appealing topic for teenagers into a fearsome cause of brain seizure. 
The central argument of the author, I think, is that one should marry to reproduce to contribute to the future times and also to be better-hearted and in control with the responsibility of a family to feed, where as a single life wanders in freedom with self-pleasure and humor, and doesn't have to worry about the financial burden of a family, which could possibly help the single ones to be more concerned towards the others and do great things. 

A human, as God has created, must marry. Marriage is the essential element of life. A single might survive, but with loneliness and dearest heart for a partner all along. And I certainly have seen some people that "chose" to be alone, but I could also see the discontent in their eyes. Male and female are meant to be together, with the bond of love between themselves, because they fit just like puzzle pieces. (Yeah, I meant both spiritually and physically.) 
I want to marry right now. I want a woman of my own. Not like any random girl that I'm attracted to or the cutest girl in school, but a faithful, understanding soul-mate that I would pick so pickily and carefully. A woman I would never want to slap across the face, punch right on the nose, or rip open and shatter every bone in the body. I'm joking, but at least a woman that wouldn't make me get sick of her. 
As so, I'm already dreaming about my future wife. Guys need wives to control them from anger, drinking, smoking, killing, raping, etc, and girls need husbands to keep them in the kitchen, all in control. We dearly need each other, don't we, my brothers and sisters? No one chooses not to marry. They "choose" not to marry because they couldn't.
A single man won't have wealth. Trust me on this. It's not that they are single that they have wealth that were spared from wife and kids. It's that they have financial problems that they don't have a wife. Who would marry a broke loser? No one. And even if a single man is rich, does he contribute a lot to the society? No! He uses it up all by himself drinking and smoking because he feels like his life sucks that he doesn't have a partner, and start self-sympathizing that would only increase his hopelessness and loneliness which would result to emotional disorder that might also affect mental disorder and give hard times to others as well and ultimately just end up being a useless, lonely, desperate douche. Then after that, because he feels so bad about himself, he'll start going to casinos where he will lose all his money and get all depressed and finally hang himself. Single life is not a happy life. Single life is no good. My math teacher has problems with anger-management just because he can't get married. Also he acts like a pedophile with female students.
My opinion is, marriage is amazing - I want to get married right now so damn freaking really extremely very bad - and single life sucks it's own cock. (It does make sense!) 

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