Friday 9 March 2012

TV Is Good for You?

TV is good, at least for rural women, because it makes a suitable substitute for education and can possibly work its "magic" on the powerless women to change their attitudes, especially towards their abusive husbands.

Nooooooooooooooooooo, it's not.
TV is not good whatsoever. Many people tend to acknowledge TV for its educational facet, but they often refuse to mention its consequences.
My brother had to wear glasses since elementary school because he was usually home alone with the sole entertainment of TV. He grew out of it after a few years, but in the beginning he hated wearing the funny-looking ovals around his eyes. However, mom forced him to wear it because if he didn't his eyesight would only grow worse. To describe how much he hated it, he slid it into his pocket as soon as he walked out the front door and put it back on only when he came back home. Of course one day mom caught him and scolded him, making sure he wore it after then.
It's not much of a problem from adolescence because it becomes very common - including some people that want to wear it. Still, it gets troublesome when it comes to rough sports, sleeping (you have to place it somewhere safe), washing, etc. Also, worst of all, you have a bad sight which might cause difficulties in certain circumstances.
Adding to effects on eyesight, TV-watching is also addictive, and possibly results to stupidity. One of my classmates, who only knew about studying before he came across a TV episode called "Chuck," gradually started spending more time watching than studying. After a few weeks, he started downloading every new episode on his laptop and watching it everywhere, every time. He even reached to an extent where he started watching the show in the middle of classes. Long time back when my family still lived in Korea, my mom was also addicted to a Korean drama for which she so strictly sacrificed her two hours every week. Nowadays, I avoid TV - especially the endless dramas - because I know it can get very addicting.
I don't have a scientific support, but I know from experience that staring at the screen of an electronic device for a large amount of time destroys your brain. I went through it. I'm adjusted now. School did get harder as I moved to higher classes, but it is also true that I don't try half as much now as I used to before, because I find it too much for me. I was considered a smart, scholastic kid years back. I excelled in math and science, and never missed A honor roll for seven semesters straight since I first came here. However, now, I don't bother to do homework because it just takes up too much time, I find every single curriculum very challenging, and I can't even concentrate in classes. It was ever since I got my laptop and iPod. I spend most of the time staring at the screen (because now most of the homework are also to be done on computer) that torture my eyes and head. TV is definitely not any better than laptop.
There might be many other bullshit people come up with to excuse themselves for watching the stupifying device, but from my experience/philosophy/logical calculations that take place in my head every single moment, I can, without a second of hesitation and without doubt, say that TV is bad.

1 comment:

  1. As always, an interesting response. However, you seem to lose focus as you write. For a while, I thought this essay was going to be about wearing glasses. Then you got back on topic but ended up rambling about why you're not a good student. Although it might not be true, you could have blamed your effort and grades on television -- and your experience would have been your evidence.
