Monday 23 January 2012

Challenge 34

240. Is it better to give or receive gifts?

It’s better to receive. Much better, in fact. Not because you get something for free, not because you get to go through the exciting process of unwrapping, not because it indicates someone cares about you, not because you get something new, not because giving requires money and time while receiving is easy as nothing, and not because you gain, not lose, but because:

Giving is a great thing. It feels awesome to give something to someone. By now, you should have felt the joy that comes from just simply giving something to another person. It is so satisfying and it makes you so happy to look at the other person appreciate. It is the best thing to do. It feels good, it doesn’t harm anyone, it is rather giving to someone; it shows that you care, it makes others feel good, I mean whatsoever, giving is the greatest and the most joyous thing to possibly do as a human.

So what the hell am I saying? What point am I making? I said receiving is better but because giving is the greatest thing. So how does that make sense? How is receiving better, then? Am I stupid? Am I saying bullshit again? Am I drunk? No. Read ahead to be enlightened with the deep meaning of my statement.

If you are considerate and thoughtful enough, you will realize that since giving is such a great thing, by receiving, you are ultimately blessing the giver with an opportunity to feel the joy of giving! You are helping the giver, by receiving, do something useful in his life. You are actually giving a chance for someone to feel the joys and satisfaction of giving, by receiving. That is just awesome, isn’t it? I want my friends to feel the joy in giving, by being the receiver. I am that considerate. I don’t want to steal the chances for others to be happy and gain good karma, therefore I’m going to receive.

Since giving is such an awesome thing, and you are making the other person go through it when you receive, you are actually being considerate and awesome, and blessing that person. That’s why receiving is better.
Did I make my point? If you have a problem understanding, contact 4444444444444444444120009384758263100242696969696969696969696969696969696969.


  1. This is a great post. I like how you make yourself sound like you are contradicting yourself, but later explain what you really mean. The idea is great too. It is actually a pretty persuasive post. (I actually got convinced that it's better to be a receiver! :P)
    Just a little suggestion for this post. Your last two paragraph are quite unnecessary, especially the second last one. It seems like you don't trust your own explanation because you ended up "summarizing" your own point.

    Great post though~

  2. I called.. it didn't work... ㅡ.,ㅡ

    1. This comment was too short too so I'll just add on to this. Like I've commented before on your other blogs, I think your way of thinking is really interesting and fresh. You'd probably become a great writer.

  3. Oh my phone was off my bad

  4. Your logic is very unique, and you show that you have a different way of thinking about things. The first paragraph was confusing, but when you actually explained it later on, it made sense! Nice job!
