Monday 23 January 2012

Challenge 36

238. If your entire memory were wiped out except for one experience, what would you choose to remember?

I would remember writing and posting this, so that I would know that I lost my memory if I do. That’s all I need to know. My family and friends will remind me of everything again. And it’s not like I have ever had a splendid experience in my life that I don’t want to forget. I’d rather instead forget some.

I’m just slightly worried on how to get back the awesome mindset I’m living by at the moment. I would have to learn it all over again. I would have to learn my values and principles all over again. But I believe I’ll do that successfully because I’m just freaking amazing.

Guess what? It’s not like my memory’s ever going to be wiped out with just one experience that I remember. Therefore, I would not like to waste my life detailing on what I would choose to remember. If this would come to use in the future actually and it was something realistic, I would get serious with it and write so much, but it would look silly if I did so when it won’t actually happen. I don’t want to make a fool out of myself, so I will stop here. Period.

Oh snap. ß It’s only 200 words right till there. So I have to write more. I have to write more than 300 words. I mean, by writing all these bullshlaka like “oh snap, it’s only 200 words right till there,” I’m accomplishing more words, and I admit that is sly. And right at this moment as I explain you all these unnecessary stuff I’m accomplishing even more words, but really this is the last blog for holiday so you know how it feels. I just want to finish it quickly. I can’t concentrate. I can’t wait to finish it. And I’m watching a video on Youtube right now so I don’t want to be disturbed.

Anyways, Mr. Plonka, thank you for making my winter-break exciting with this assignment. I mean it.

That’s it. I said I would remember writing this so I could read it if I lose my memory. That’s why I wrote all those “useless” stuff above to remind me who I really am. I wrote this blog to be so like something to have been written by myself to realize who I am by reading this. I’m unique. I’m one and only. I’m the best. I think this will be enough to bring back my dope-ass way of thinking, behaving, and living life. 

The End


  1. Dude you are awesome.
    Well done in accomplishing the challenge.
    I am sure you surprised everybody including Mr. Plonka. But you always had talent, just not in studying .
    Even if you forget everything you will still have the pair of magical legs and hands with which you can dance and draw. This is what defines you and you are never going to loose it.

  2. I heard so much about your blog, and it was good.
    It was neither too serious, nor too funny.
    Nice way to write 300 words!

  3. Well this article clearly shows the seriousness of this blog assignment, it is actually causing mental pressure with some people. Such as this person dosen't want to forget this homework and he or she is willing to give up all other things, including family.

  4. Hahaha I really like the way you see and think about stuff. I would never have come up with such response to this question. Your critical and cynical way of looking at things really entertains readers like me.
