Monday 23 January 2012

Challenge 35

2. Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)

I would like to stop whenever in history, when there weren’t as much complication as now in life. More like when there weren’t the concept of frying eggs. When there weren’t sofas, when there weren’t TVs, when there weren’t internet, when there weren’t lights, when there weren’t machines, when there weren’t technology, when there weren’t sophisticated synthetic chemicals, when there weren’t hospitals, when there weren’t car accidents, when there weren’t cars, when there weren’t oil, when there weren’t greed, when there weren’t money, when there weren’t corruption, when there weren’t prices, when there weren’t ego and reputation, when there weren’t what’s good or bad, when there weren’t racism and discrimination, hatred, jealousy, competition, humiliation, lying, cheating, pretending, judging, clothing, trends, traditions, drinking, smoking, trafficking, slave labor,  raping, killing, wars, when there weren’t you; when humans didn’t exist; when the world didn’t exist. I want to go back to the time when the world wasn’t created yet. I want to go to “Nowhen,” like how it would be for “nowhere.”

I want a rest. I want a break from this world. I’m sick of humans. I’m sick of human civilization and industry. Therefore, I’m sick of myself too. I want to just quit. I want to ESC out of this world. Everywhere I turn, there are computers and books. I wish I was able to escape life somehow.

Well, I wouldn’t want to leave some things in life, and I will certainly look back on the few people and things I love. I wouldn't want to leave this world. But that’s why I want to leave it at the same time. More specifically, I want to be able to leave it. After all, this question offers me an imaginary opportunity to travel back through time.


  1. What a strange article!!! Almost half of the article are c@#$. BUT, it is nice to listen to your thought.

  2. I totally agree with you Sua... I feel your frustration.. God bless us man..

    1. That comment was too short wasn't it? Any way, when I said I agreed, I meant that I too get sick and tired of all the complicated techonology around us and I really wish I was born like 100 years ago. But we are here in this present world anyway so lets start viewing the world in a more positive way :)

  3. It's understandable, life sometimes gets the better of us but we just got to keep living, even though it may be in misery, because it can't really be helped.

  4. Are you sure?
    No matter how relaxing such a life is will you be able to accept the transition.
    No iPods, no laptops.
    If you survived and enjoyed the experience then hats off to you.

    1. Maybe my last paragraph wasn't really clear with what I was trying to get through. The reason I want to leave this world is because I can't leave it with my own will. I do love iPods and laptops. I love music, dancing, drawing, and all the things that I live with in this life. Therefore I would need to do it suddenly and without choices. Like "travelling back through time."

  5. My guess is that we're not able to leave worldly things and the world itself behind because we're pathological. By instinct, we crave companionship, we crave safety. Maybe with no history, with no time, no possessions, no people, we're at our most vulnerable. Or so we think. At first, with no history and time and possessions, we had nothing or no one to turn to but each other. We're also conceited, greedy, cruel, selfish, and many other things, according to many people. But maybe we're just people. Maybe our weakness is each other.
