Thursday 1 December 2011

Challenge 26

179. Should college students be required to take physical education courses? Why or why not?

Health is before studies, right? And physical education (if conducted properly) helps stay fit, right? Therefore college students should be required to take PE courses. In places like college, health and stamina are very fatal. If you don't have these, you won't be able to wake up early, go to school, work hard, do part-time jobs, sleep late, and still survive. You need health and stamina to study. And they can be achieved from exercising.
Health is like the basic of the basic, for a human being. We should stay fit, and therefore might as well be forced to get some exercise at least from PE. People who love sports will voluntarily do more anyways, but for people who are in unfit shapes or are not so close with being physically active will choose not to exercise unless have no choice but to. Who chooses to do something they don't like? If school wasn't mandatory, who will come to school? We are all forced to go to school everyday because education is an extremely important and necessary thing. In the same way, we should value our physical education as well. I mean since it's about health, we should consider it even more important.
After all, it is not that bad. I mean, for me it was (I don't have it anymore) the best class I have ever had in my all-time high school history. I loved PE classes. They are interesting, exciting, and active! You don't just sit there dull, staring blankly at your teacher and waiting for the boring lecture to end. You move around, try it with your own hands and legs (Yes, you do still have them even though you don't need it anymore in today's sit-still-and-study world), feel the energy; basically get some physical education! It is so much more fun than reading a book. Personally, I hate being still and uncreative. I can't sit without moving more than an hour. It hurts my butt, neck,and back. And as a teenager, I am hyper. I need to spend all that calories from candy bars!!!
College life is the most important (supposedly) time of a person's life. So we should have PE to keep fit, enjoy, stay apart from sitting in front of a laptop the whole time and getting body-aches and being all tired, grumpy, and energiless. Also, this is probably when your body is developed fully and the most strong. So use it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! i really like you reasons for mandatory PE classes! You somehow told a lot about yourself in this essay! It was fun reading this! good job!
