Thursday 1 December 2011

Challenge 30

173. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what animal would you select and why?

The day is over. This long but fun challenge is over. Well, I might be continuing but not for a while. And the seemingly endless school days are over as well. All the big and small assignments are over, and all the school events are over. Semester's over (besides exams), and half of my Grade 11 is over.
When it comes to an end, whether it's a day or a month or a year, it is always depressing yet exciting and satisfying. However right now, depression for some reason is taking over all my other emotions. I'm getting a bad feeling about everything that is going to happen from now on. Yeah - exams. But not only exams. My whole life. I'm keep getting this slight hint that I might actually die this winter break. Just in case I do, I would like to say thank you and I love you to God and my parents. ;)

Anyways, in a constant struggle to separate my feeble self from the depressing feeling, I chose the topic that seemed to be the most cheery. Which animal would I select to describe myself? And why? That is a very funny and happifying question. And I must say, a monkey. My girlfriend would say a frog - the frog prince that becomes a human as the princess (my girlfriend, lol) kisses it. That is cute but not my answer.
Monkeys always create two different images in my head. One is the real monkey, the realistic and squeaky, dangerous, ugly, hairy, fast, sly, and deadly monkeys that attack us and throw all the garbage out from the trash can in search for food, and the other "monkey" that I sometimes compare myself to and make cartoon characters out of. You really won't get what I mean unless you are me. And I can't really explain this in words. Even I won't understand what I'm trying to say just by reading this sentence.
Anyways, the reason I choose a monkey as the animal to describe myself, is firstly because I think monkeys are the most like humans. Secondly, I'm hyper and loud. I'm also very dangerous when I'm not in a good mood, and if anyone messes around with me, I'm always ready to fight. I dance, draw everywhere, and beatbox - all those crazy stuff which I think are very monkeyish and I also am an Asian (?). Asians in animal are usually monkeys, isn't that right??? lol I don't know. I don't know where this is going so I guess I'll stop now. I mean I really wanted to just say my first paragraph, but I have to choose a topic and I couldn't find one that could be the question for my first paragraph, so I wrote about this and miserably failed. :) 

1 comment:

  1. your blogs are very entertaining...especially the parts that are totally irrelevant to the topic.
    Coming back to the topic I agree with the part where you said you can be hyper and dangerous like a monkey. However, how does dancing, drawing and beatbox(ing?) have anything to do with a monkey?
