Thursday 1 December 2011

Challenge 28

177. "Human rights" is a term frequently used but seldom defined. What rights should belong to every human being? Discuss.

Every human being has morals and values. From these, whatever is right should be included to be allowed as human rights, and whatever is bad shouldn't be. We humans are the smartest specie on Earth, and we have brains and hearts, so we should be able to discern what is right and what is not. And according to that, also find out what can be included in our rights and what can't be.
Rights such as these should belong to every human:
Rights to speak up (even though you are poor and powerless), rights to be listened to, rights to be given chances to, rights to use public services, rights to be treated equal as everyone else, rights to take a step, rights to think the way he/she wants to, rights to have any religion of choice, rights to be free, rights to love, rights to vote, rights to do whatever he/she wants unless it is one of the prohibited things.
Just don't kill, steal, lie, cheat, use violence, use bad language, hate,  insult God, smoke, drink, and other bad things you can think of.

A dirty, starving, and diseased African boy has his full rights to open the door of a taxi, and sit his bony, dusty butt on the seat. If the taxi driver doesn't like this, the boy has the rights to be cleaned, treated, fed, and dressed. No one should discriminate or hate this boy. He is a human too, but who was born in a sh*thole with nothing at all. He is just living a much lower life, because selfish bastards like you and me are enjoying our asses off not giving a damn about these people. Because we don't want to lose our freaking comfort and good food. We are just ignoring them and not willing to give up any of our abundant fortune - to be honest, not even a penny. We want it all by ourselves. And you can't say that it is our hard work that earned the money and their fault for not being able to feed themselves. You can't say you earned your living all by your sweat and you deserve it. Even if you did, you must share with them if you have more than enough. Stop going around and buying unnecessary stuff because you have the money. Spend it on something way more valuable (a priceless human life maybe) rather than something that you simply think is valuable and important. And the reason you can't say you deserve all the money and you earned it all by your work, is because humans were all equal in the beginning. When we were hunter gatherers and all that, were there any Michael Jackson or Steve Jobs? Were there any "poverty?" No. Not a chance. Then what caused this gap between the poor and the rich among today's people? People's selfishness, evilness, corruption, and sins. Our bad traits. Eventually, we have created a society like this where some people even worship other humans as if they are God and treat another set of humans worse than a cockroach. This is what we have come to. We need that damn rights for every human being to be treated equally with full freedom.

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