Thursday 1 December 2011

Challenge 29

174. If money and family obligations left you entirely free,  how and where would you spend the summer before college?

I would go to Nepal to see my girlfriend for the last time (probably), and then travel around the world all by myself. I'll think about my life and plan everything out for the future during this trip, and will experience as many things as possible. I'll meet different types of people, come across different types of cultures, taste different foods, wear different clothes, and experience the best and worst environments in all different parts of the world. Also, I'll make sure to note down the country I'd like to live in later. I'll be nervous, feel alone, laugh, fall into depression, get hyper, fight, forgive, tolerate, give up, practice, try, challenge myself, make mistakes, learn, question, doubt, understand, and most of all, become a "human being." I will adventure as much as I can since life is only once, and never let an opportunity go because of my selfish stupid reasons like fear or laziness. I'll make my life to the fullest. Of course the trip won't be as pleasant as I'm expecting right now and it sounds just by this writing. There are going to be countless problems and conflicts that will grind my gears. I might end up groaning and moaning like a little child, sweating in the middle of nowhere with no people that understand my language and all my valuables stolen. Or, I might be lying on the bed in a five-star hotel room after having an awesome dinner with celebrities. Or, I might just have an ordinary tour like not the ones in movies. But one thing for sure is, when I return I'll be loaded with experience and knowledge. And I'll be much more mature than right now. Then I will be perfectly ready for college and ready to work hard. I'll be ready to interact with all kinds of people. I'll be able to adapt to the food or environment much faster and easier than other foreigners of that country wherever my college is.
Basically, I would love to have a time out by myself, with all kinds of new concepts and chances to learn and experience, so that I become a much better person than right now. So that I'll be more easily able to achieve my secretive and vast dream.

1 comment:

  1. I like how your post looks at the positive and negative side of things. Things can go great, but they can also become a disaster. People usually end up taking a trip with a person they are close to, not along; for many reasons like feeling safe. But I guess everyone has a different life style.
