Tuesday 15 November 2011

Challenge 11

124. What outrages you? (Wake Forest)

The fact that I can't live the way I want to.
The fact that I'm so sinful.
The fact that I'm not so serious about the fact that I'm sinful.
The fact that I'm a filthy human being.
The fact that I'm lost in life.
The fact that I don't see the point.
The fact that my parents are spending so much on me and have given me everything they can and yet I'm not grateful or satisfied.
The fact that I'm not what I expected myself to be.
The fact that I'm so off the way.
The fact that I feel so hopeless.

Those up there are big, serious ones. They are fatal.
However, they are not evoked everyday. If they are, I would have already committed suicide.
These are the ones that apply more often:

Trying to do something - trying so hard but failing.
Girls daring to try to mess around with me when I have so many other things to care about already. Females are less worthy than men; at least me. They are only good for cooking, cleaning, and sex. (Except for my girlfriend who I love so much and can give up everything for and give everything to. I can even catch a grenade for her. I'll die for her! I love you just so you know if you are reading this! I didn't mean that - it was just a joke so don't feel bad!!! I still love you! I wouldn't have gone out with you otherwise. You don't know how much I think about you and care about you!) But really it pisses me off when other stupid girls challenge my position or authority. They can't possibly be looking down on me. I'm much superior to any female.
People trying to dig into my personal life.
Stupid people reading this gad-dam thing when I'm in the middle of writing it.
Disability to escape my current situation.


  1. Interesting.
    Don't think you could submit this as an actual college essay though.


    But other than that, i like how it's all straight forward and to the point.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I said I'm joking!!! That was just to make it...funnier. Was it funny? lol I found it funny...

  4. is that how u apologize -.- ?

  5. I'm sorry to whoever got offended by my blog. There you go :)

  6. I'm so so so sorry from the bottom of my heart. Sorry for offending you girls. :)
