Thursday 10 November 2011

Challenge 5

123. How do you feel about Wednesday? (University of Chicago)

Wednesdays are always depressing. Hmmmm... Actually everyday is.

W: week
E: end
D: drawing
N: near,
E: everyday
S: shuffling,
D: drooling,
A: and...
Y: yo!

That was a fail in the sense that I was trying to make a sentence with each word starting with the letters in "Wednesday," but an absolute masterpiece on expressing how I feel about Wednesdays. Yes, I think Wednesdays are insane. I hate it.
Mondays and Tuesdays I am still not awake, but on Wednesdays I realize that I'm right in the middle of the week; like finding myself lost, floating in the middle of a sea. It is scary and hopelessifying. There is nothing that can save me. I'm observing for any boats and keep spinning around to not miss if any, but that makes me exhausted and dizzy, and even more hopeless because I don't see anything. I'm so tired, my arms are starting to hurt from all that flapping because I don't know how to swim and I don't want to drown and die yet. I'm only a teenager. I have so many more years to go and so many more things to do! I can't die yet. I try to concentrate and again look for any sign of life. Nope. Not even a flying creature that could maybe pick me up on its claws and drop me home.
My lips are dry and cracked from the hot sun shooting the strong white beam right at my face. I splash into the water to wet myself. It's only when I come out that I realize I have done the wrong thing. The sun evaporates all the water in a blink and is blazing at me even stronger now. My shoulders feel itchy and, soon enough, burning. I feel the sun ray melt into my skin and leave red spots that hurt like they were sliced out with sushi knife (I don't know what the hell that means either).
I go into the water again. I come out to get more sun-burnt. I keep repeating until I don't have any more energy left. My arms are cramped up. I can't move them; I can't even feel them. I see them jerking by my side with the waves of water, but I can't control them. I'm about to die. Back home, I would be ... I don't even know what the hell I would be doing anyways. Some math, forced, probably. I feel the depressing and disappointing reality that seep into my bones. I would rather die. I die.
That is how I feel about Wednesdays. If you still don't get it, it sucks like school.

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