Sunday 20 November 2011

Challenge 13

1. What have you undertaken or done on your own in the last year or two that has nothing to do with academic work? (Northwestern)

I have lived my entire life without much concern of studies. My target is on the opposite direction, and I can't really shoot an arrow into two directions at the same time, or switch where it's going, or even hit one target and the other after. I have only one arrow. One life, one me.
I did so many things. I practiced some skills useful in life. And by skills, I mean things like dancing. I performed in talent show, I learned and taught others many dances, I did countless drawings (on my class notebooks), etc. I love doing those things because they are much more creative, cool, fun than school. And not everyone is interested in them! How awesome is that? Now I can actually be better than others and show off. I guess I'm just born to be like this. It is my destiny. Therefore how much ever hard I try, I can't study. This is how my life is going to be. I can try to change but ultimately can't change. I have done everything that has nothing to do with academic work when I was out of school. In civilized and respectful words, I developed myself to be more skilled. In simple words, I had fun. I did a huge painting for the dorm - I'll take a picture of it and upload it sometime on the blog.
Recently, I started a dance club! Just to tell you.
If this question's purpose was to see what I can do outside studying because everyone does that, I appreciate it since I'm a person planning to pursue a life that has nothing to do with studies. I'll probably do the best in school if it was to measure what students can do besides studying. I can say that much.
However, if this question was trying to find out how much I don't care about academics and how distracted I am, then I hate you.

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