Wednesday 30 November 2011

Challenge 21

162. If you could invent something, what would it be, and why? (University of Virginia)

Of course a time machine. Well, that's too much work - a time controller maybe? So that I can rewind whenever I want to, and fast forward the boring times. I would be too happy to have a time controller. I really wish I did. I'd make a mistake, rewind, and not not make that mistake yet will learn from the mistake. That's like ... perfect! And in exam times, I'll see the paper, rewind, and learn only the things that were in the paper. Or do something smarter that MY particular brain can't seem to think of right now. And the best is, no one will ever know except for the person using it that the person is so awesome because he can control time and correct his life. My life would be perfect. Literally perfect. I'd say everything I wanted to say (but I missed the chance), and take back everything that made my life worse by saying. I would have so much fun watching people not realize it and rewind like a bunch of silly <insert any insulting word here>.
I'll give a bit of a clue. Who knows if I actually have a time controller? Who knows if I'm controlling time? Who knows if one of us actually has that thing? Maybe.
I really want it badly, so if you have happened to read this and have invented time controller, will you share it with me please? Or just give it to me!!!
And I'm not commenting on whether I'm pretending to not be in possession of time controller for my own safety.

PS: I'm extremely exhausted from writing five of these in a row since the due date is imminent and I have nine more to go, so please excuse any display of insanity in my writings. ;) I appreciate and love you, 'reader.'

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