Tuesday 29 November 2011

Challenge 17

180. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

I would definitely, and without hesitation, ban drinking and smoking. It is everywhere - it's very legal and accessible. It is now so easy to spot people squatting down and sucking on all that harmful substance into their body with a bitter frown. And as I walk past them, the smell of burnt poison penetrates right through my nose and disgusts me.
I hate it.
It is totally unnecessary. People are spending money to kill themselves. To get themselves sick and to suffer an unbearable torture in the future. How will they feel when their body is destroyed and they are lying on the hospital bed all helpless and in pain, and have to take surgeries, medication, etc that they will certainly not like very much? Are they aware? Maybe, maybe not.
It just doesn't make a single sense to me. It makes me angry. There are so many other things to do in life! Why spend so much of your life trying to end it? It is NOT COOL. And it is not funny either. Just stop. It's disgusting. And disgustingly irresponsible.
And I want to blame the people who advertise it, make it look cool, and sell it. A bunch of unconscious, heartless, and stupid animals. They deserve to take in all that into their body at once and dissolve and die in the chemical. They are murderers. They need to go f*** themselves if they want to, but they shouldn't spread it to other people and harm them too. That's is not right. I abhor you people. If I see you face to face I'll rip your face off and stuff it into your own mouths. You have done similar destruction to countless other people.
So many of my uncles are drinkers and trust me they cause a lot of trouble. A person who I love so much smokes. And that breaks my heart. I really hope she stops one day. Please stop. I don't want you to waste money on such stupid stuff and also harm your health. It is bad for health.
I really wish I could ban smoking and drinking, and get rid of it forever.

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