Wednesday 30 November 2011

Challenge 18

165. What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

The fact that we all eventually die, the fact that the world is becoming so retarded, and the fact that we all have to be so busy. Why do we study? Why do we live if we are going to die? Why are we running so fast? Why are we running in such a way? Why is the modern world like "this" but not like "that?" What is the purpose? What is that stupid guy doing, when he tries to act so cool? Why are you so jealous? Why can't people live together? Why discrimination? Why meanness? Why racism? (I mean serious racism that leads to discrimination and killing - I do make racist jokes sometimes for fun) Why killing and murdering? Why b*tching? Why the problem? Everything confuses me.
 I started getting confused when I realized people appreciate according to the ethos, not talent. Ethos might be a skill too, but can easily turn into bullying. For example, the friendless idiot in your class cracks the best joke of the year. No one's going to laugh. Everyone's just going to frown and say that it's lame, not because it's not funny but because of who he is. However, when the popular guy says the lamest sh*t ever, everyone laughs their asses off for their asses' sake. Well, if you suck and make a lame joke like me, then you are just a douche. Starting from this, I observed so many other things that confused the crap out of me. I didn't get why people were acting like assholes. Then I realized much later, that most of the world's population are born as assholes and grown as assholes, not "acting" like assholes. Then time passed, and I woke up one day just to find myself also becoming an asshole. I guess my instincts realized that was the only way to survive in the world of assholes. Then again, people started maturing up and concentrating more on studies than being like little b*tches. Now, the deal was to dominate the class; to become the "cool" guy that everyone respects. Trends always changed and still does. I got so damn confused, I didn't know what to do. I was lost. I felt so bad. I didn't know what the hell was going on. It disappointed me too much. From then, I lost all my energy and will power. I was confused and exhausted with this world. I started hating everyone in the entire school. I started being alone and separating myself. Then I again joined the world after a year of such depression. And still I'm confused, but now I have learned to live with this stupid sh*t of life.    :)

"Life" confuses me the most in life.

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