Sunday 13 November 2011

Challenge 7

46. If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)

I would wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast, turn on my laptop, download some songs, watch videos on Youtube (music, dance, beatbox, guitar, whatever creative and appealing things), get inspired, practice all of them, do them so well - so easy for me, feel proud, practice more, get hyper, jump around, then go down to the basketball court, run 10 laps, come back up, drink water, work out crazy, stretch, eat (a lot and very slowly) and drink water, run around some more, shave my hair, go slap random people, sing, scream, rap, jump, beatbox, troll, parkour, and check if the downloads finished - they haven,t finished yet, barge out, swear in front of a dorm staff, do 10 push-ups for each swear word as the consequence, get hyper in front of them, run away, kick some butts (literally), come back to my room, listen to music extremely loudly, sing loudly and really badly to annoy other people, laugh at them saying "shut up," throw an awesome comeback which he won't admit is good because it makes him look bad, argue with them,  get extremely lame, go eat, take a shower, repeat all these (I'm just joking), swagger around (if you are not an Asian you won't understand), then brush, feel awesome, and fall asleep while listening to music. Just as usual. If really lucky, I might even go talk to the girl I like as well. I mean, If lucky for her.
Isn't this great? Don't you just feel like doing the exact same thing? It's okay, I know you can't because your fakeass, stupid, and disgusting ego doesn't allow it, and you don't have the spirit, stamina, hype, energy, skills, brains, and awesomeness anyways. One advice is, once you let that gosh darn ego go, you will find the real life and the real truth. It's so fun! And don't listen to me because I'm not part of this world but I know you choose to be, and I'm trying to drag you out of this world with me. To somewhere beyond. But I know you don't want to.

My dog wrote this.

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