Wednesday 30 November 2011

Challenge 23

149. Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

My question to this question is, what if you were educated in your own hometown? Hmmm...
Well, I would probably not. I'm not sure if you mean my birthplace or where I lived the longest when you say "hometown," but I won't go back to those small places to begin my awesome-to-be adult life. I want to go to somewhere bigger, and start a whole new life.
I think I'll take a rest now.
I'm so tired. And I am not left with anything more to say about this question. My brain is now empty, as it used up all the contents during the past one week that was full of essays, presentations, and tests. I'm exhausted to the bottom. Winter break is coming up and I'm just so desperately waiting for it. I want to go home and rest. When I complete my education, I'll probably be in a big city, extremely busy, but for right now I just wanna go home. Sleep till twelve everyday, blankly sit on the sofa the whole day and relax. I need some recharge like my iPod that is keep annoying me with the "20% battery remaining" and eventually reduces to a white loading sign spinning in the middle of the dark background, and shuts down completely into a pitch dark emptiness. I'm so tired and hungry. I'm not even fed properly in school. I'll be eating so much at home, whenever I want, but here I'm foodless, and have to eat crappy food only during certain timings. Life sucks. I would have certainly fallen into depression if it wasn't for someone. Someone very special. Now I at least live for something. I come to school for that person.
Anyways, getting back to my answer - no I won't.

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