Wednesday 30 November 2011

Challenge 20

164. Do you believe that your academic record accurately reflects your abilities? Explain.

No freaking way. Not even close. This question is just stupid.
Academics is something that rather blocks out your creativity and who you are, how will it even get close to reflecting our abilities? Because of academics, so many people are missing the chances to find out their true potentials. The educators only give them breathing space for studies, now how exactly are they supposed to bring out what they can do? We can't do sh*t because of this stupid thing.
Any of my friends that are impressed by my drawing can get there by practice. Who knows they might be better than me genetically. However, they are only and forcedly introduced to studies only. Now how will you freaking know what we can actually do if you gave us time and chances, and told us about more things, when you haven't?
For example, Superman is in school. Will academic record accurately reflect who he really is? Can academic record accurately reflect how awesome an actor Johnny Depp is, how awesome a dance Usher is, how awesome Messi is at soccer, how awesome Roger Federer is in tennis, and how awesome Chuck Norris is? Would you have liked Justin Bieber if you merely saw his academic record? Noway in hell you would. It is when you realize how great a person is/their abilities are that you like them. And no one would find that in academics unless academics is one of your skills. Therefore, this question is stupid, and my answer is "ridiculously no."

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