Thursday 10 November 2011

Challenge 6

15. If we could only admit one more student to the University of Pittsburgh, why should it be you? (University of Pittsburgh/94)

Firstly, I bet you people don't have the guts to do that. A university accepting only one more student? It's all your loss. Secondly, which university is this anyways? I haven't even heard of it once in my life. I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad university, but isn't this question showing a slight attitude asking "why should it be you" as if it's the best college in the world and I'm a useless person? If it was Harvard or something I wouldn't mind but what the heck is this? Thirdly, Of course it should be me. Cuz I'm da BEST! I am the jewel among stones, I am the pearl inside shells, and I am the sugar among all that ugly salt. Or the other way around if that sounds better. I am a talented young man. I am awesome. I rock. Even if I'm not, the fact that I'm even writing such stuff makes me awesome. If you think I'm a weirdo, I'm awesome because that is exactly what I was planning to do and you fell for it. That means I mind-controlled you. Isn't that great? And if you think I'm not weird, then YOU are the weird one, which makes your judgments on me untrustworthy and leaves me awesome no matter what you say about it. If you disagree with what I'm saying even though they make total sense and honestly from inside you actually agree, then you are a hater. Haters can just mind their own business. Lastly, I'm not applying for this college.

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