Monday 14 November 2011

Challenge 8

54. Discuss how some negative experience has had a positive influence on your life.

People's harsh honesty. That's what made me reach what I am right now.
I have a stupid dream. I have a big dream. My parents discourage it, my friends discourage it, and my teachers discourage it. They have really discouraged and pulled the hopes out of me to the roots just last semester. Directly and indirectly. I realize then, that the world is not as easy as what I was thinking. I realize they are doing good to me. I realize their discouragement (isn't from how much they care about me at all but) is giving me a great spirit to practice and become better to actually achieve what I'm aiming for. I, then, practice and practice until they compliment me. Until they appreciate and admit that I'm good.
For example, I perform a dance. It's not perfect or doesn't reach people's expectations (because I don't have time to practice; I go to school - I'm just a student, because I don't have anyone to learn from but videos that sometimes miss out on some parts of the dance and change angles that make it very fancy and confusing, because I have to also teach whoever is performing with me, because I don't have a practice room with mirrors and other equipment, and because I learned how to dance all by myself in the first place. Some honest but annoying-because-they-can't-even-do-half-of-what-I-did-and-aren't- really-in-the-position-to-criticize-people criticize. I try harder.
That was pretty much the case last talent show. Almost all said it was great, but there were apparently two girls who said it sucked. 'Apparently' because I heard from other people. But one of them was always like that and was totally capable of saying such thing, so I took the information.
I was so angry. I hated those two. They didn't even have the guts to go up the stage to do anything. They had no talent. They were useless and they were saying I sucked - my dance sucked. And they were comparing it to the real one. How the hell will I do it just like the original? Were they insane? I think so. I mean, I'm a student in a school that had to spend half my time going to school. No training I got. Only self-practice from videos. Those people, all they do other than eating and going to bathroom is practice that.
However, ultimately they helped me so much. I thank them now, though I still don't like them. They have left a mindset in me to think that I'm never there, that I could do better. I practiced more from that time, and still do. It influenced me to always try till I'm really good and everyone admits it. I also started practicing other things. From that day, I never give in to myself and say "good enough."

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