Wednesday 2 November 2011

Challenge 1

50. Tell us about yourself (University of California)

First of all, I am a human being. I am not an alien or any other creature that is disguising as a human and pretending to fit in the human society. But if I am, I am not aware of it just yet. I mean, who knows?

I'm joking about above.

I am currently a sixteen years old boy. I was born in Incheon, South Korea under Korean parents. After I finished forth grade, my family moved to India - the country of mystery (just until you actually live here) - and gave me a chance to experience the outside world for the first time ever. However, the excitement did not last very long because I soon learned that India is a country with stifling breeze (you can't understand it; you can only experience it), filthy streets, and worst of all - cockroaches. What made it worse was I did not know any language the people here spoke. No Hindi at all and mere "hello" in English.
Still grateful to have been young when I first came to India, I adapted pretty fast. Of course it didn't happen in a blink but looking back from now it was certainly much easier than it would have been today. Compared to today's me, who can't even endure a book, I was really hard-working back then. When I was assigned with some reading, I read triple the amount in a dictionary because the textbook so heartlessly wouldn't read a word I knew - which were by the way "hello" and "tree." And I memorized every single thing we did in class. I think i'm still making up for those brains I so recklessly used up.
Then I came to study in an International boarding school called Woodstock. That was the turning point in my life. I came across cultural diversity and a much bigger world. I learned about "everything else" and also approached some new concepts(?) such as dancing.
Today, I am a very different person. Not different from my past, but different from everyone else. I do not read, I do not do homework, and I do not care. And I'm being a hypocrite by doing this very assignment and saying in the very previous sentence that I do not do my homework. Well, I didn't do my last English essay, which everyone except me freaks out at. I am weird I guess.
Anyways, I love art, dance, and music. I explore, expand, and practice them everyday. I can confidently say I am good at dancing and art; good enough to lead a dance club and do AP art student's work when I didn't even take art classes. Yes, it was an inappropriate help but I wanted to prove myself, being a greedy human being.
This is the reason I am less interested in studies. I have too many other things I'm interested in and want to try. And those are the things that makes up my life and probably will earn me bread in the future, therefore I do them instead of studying. The thing is, there are too many people already better than me in studying in this school itself. However, these other talents I have, they have potential. They are much more interesting, exciting, extraordinary, and unique.
Also, humans didn't study from the very beginning, did they? And yet they survived.

Real response:
Even I don't understand myself. 

1 comment:

  1. I was interesting stalking you, i mean.. reading your blog.
    Just jokes! But on a serious note, i like how your blog isn't completely serious and dull. Keep it that way so i can continue to "read" your posts ;)
